Happy New Month My Beloved Friend,
I am led to inform you about a message
which i had been pressed to tell you. this is not to cause you pains
but to reposition you from the lines of a hidden program of our
common enemy. I was so opportune to know this as a result of isolation,
sufferings and maltreatment which i had received for refusing to
compromise and for choosing to be a good vessel for your good by accepting to follow this part.
while in
today, those sufferings and isolation had turn to be blessings in
disguise, it is however important for you to listen to this word. once
or twice i had been reminded that in the face of all our troubles, difficulties and Challenges, there's
is an opportunity which we need to identify and through it, come out of that
situation. this is like when an enemy close your door and there is a window open somewhere and to be able to free your mind, let go of the past, taking a deep breath and fusing your faith & hope in God, forgiving that situations that may have burnt or hurt you badly, is what it takes to overtake your undertakers and cross the bridge of limitation.
Today is my birthday and just last night i was in a dream, and it happened that there was this very big flight (An Air plane) so large that i am short of the words to describe the size that landed on earth. i so opportune to walk inside it, and i saw very few people on a white robe, i really can't count them, but they were few and there was great space on both wings of the aircraft & the center. I had boarded Aircraft in several occasions but this particular one look so different both in size; length, width and dept. Then there was this large crowed of people outside the aircraft as if they're waiting on the time it will start for an appointed journey. but while some went to buy stuff, some are on meetings, others where busy discussing and i remember seeing sales person's doing their sales etc. Suddenly to everybody the flight kicks and immediately start moving. God, I saw people running with all strength and might to jump into it, some few people did jump in, someone running closer to me fall down, but due to the situation of the whole emergency taking off of the flight, I couldn't wait to help pull them up. I was very determine to be among the very first few people opportune to get into that flight. at the end, this flight bore the air with few people and was just a situation i would describe as living the earth almost empty.
I am
pressed to inform you that God cares about you and want you to surrender your Life to
Him. He said that the fear of Him is the beginning of your recovery and the right wisdom will be poured upon you and enmeshment shall be given your undertakers. He wants to handle that case facing you by Himself, at least just to prove to
you that indeed it is Him that makes and mares, Him alone that feeds the Birds of the Air and cloths the grass of the field.
If you
die with this struggles and careless about the things of God, Eternity or what God is saying, you
wouldn't say the prophets of God has not warned you. if you die not truly repentant and doing
that secret sin, trying those other mountains and still keeping your hands in that secret places and doings, would
you say you have not heard the warning of God? what about that hurts, that man, and the behavior of that friend that have become ill manner you wouldn't forgive and worst still that sex and Fornication thing, Idolatry, Adultery, Lies, Cheating, hatred, stealing and even the greed that causes....etc.
At every point and in every
generation, God has never ceased from sending a Moses, An Elijah or
Elisha, and then His Son who through Him we shall be saved. Your Clock
is fast pushing up, and just like a glass about to full, you may never
have the space to get this opportunity or a fresh interaction in that tomorrow you awaits. God is
still calling you, He is Interested in you and wishes you'd be saved, you fill the space in that aircraft i had seen last night. Sincerely, He is ready
to forgive you, He is really willing to hear you renounce and acknowledge Him as your Lord and He is prepared to stand with you
and take over that mighty situation terrorizing you.
It is written, He took OUR captivities captive. I was really skeptical about sharing this message
with you, but as if i am forced; it is an appointed time for you to pulse and make a paradigm shift. I
am sorry about the embarrassment, the inconveniences it could cause you, but just have a
re-think and acknowledge that things like this don't just happen. His
word says "To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven." you could say what about how you'd tried or endured or pushed hardly for a just cause, or be disappointed by a past move or expectation but the true is that He sees clearly & might be giving you an opportunity here. I know sometimes it could also be that you really never deserve it, just like some few of us who took to our heels and jumping into the flight. it was just His grace, just a opportunity we strive to never missed. I don't want to bore you with
quotations from the scriptures just to enable you get the fact that this
is a message (a personal Letter) directed to you, inspired by the Holy Spirit using also the Dream/Revelation of what might soon happen. but for my words in this part to be inline with God's word and plan, you can see here Habakkuk 2:3. Finally, give your life to Christ now, the tomorrow
you awaits might not be there, that could be too disastrous.
If you are willing, Please say this prayer with me:
Heavenly Father, I acknowledge my sins (Mention as much as you can
remember and know that they're never too much for Him to Bear and Forgive you) and I am sorry for them all. Please forgive me and cancel my
name from the book of Death and transfer it into the book of Life. Now I
acknowledge your Son Jesus Christ as my Personal Lord and Savior.
Thank You Lord for saving me in Jesus NAME AMEN.
I will be speaking on Divine Recovery weekly in this Month of October, hangout with me this new month and by the Grace and Power of God, you are already single out to be honored. you are a specific reason I should spend my money and time with the Holy Spirit doing this, so don't unplug but stay connected to my Blog.
http://princeevans.blogspot.com or find me on www.facebook.com/aguma.prince
LOVES YOU TOO. Remain Blessed and Fellowship with Christ Believers. bye!
I am Your Brother in The Lord, Gospel Music Artist Prince Evans.
"PRINCE eVANS Is A Renowned African Gospel Music Artiste, Songwriter, Author, Engineer, Activist and Entrepreneur" - BY GLOBAL NEWS OBSERVERS. YOU CAN VISIT THEM ON: http://www.globalnewsobservers.blogspot.com
Sunday, 30 September 2012

Saturday, 29 September 2012
Knowledge is power
and those who acquires it perish not.
By the special Grace of God and under the Divine Auspices of
the Holy Spirit, I am here empowered to lose the bonds and chains Afflicting
and holding (YOU) a son of God captive in this Generation. As we enter the new
month of October, this is your turn to overtake your undertakers & shine in
Jesus Mighty Name I decree Amen.
UNDERTAKERS: Those whose job is to prepare & arrange
your failures, delays, afflictions, funeral or earl grave. They can led one to
financial death traps, broken marriages, cause emotional stress, physical
death, hinder destiny, cause famine/lack, accidents, sickness, barrenness and
sudden death.
As many as are the
spiritual or physical stronghold or strongman of your father’s house (your
lineage) from your father’s side to your mother’s side of your root, then to
your marital side of your family which trespasses, to all of your unfriendly
friends and ungodly partners working against your good pleasure, your destiny
and the will of God concerning you; whether they connive with any other, or on
this assignment alone; And every of your ungodly relatives and associates,
territorial demons operating within your home/residence, office, or business
environment, or witches/witch craft
spirits, or monitoring demons or agents in human forms the could manifeste in the use of charms, invocations or
enchantments or in evil sacrifices and libations in evil altars against you,
such as be these are your undertakers, their mission isn’t for your good
pleasures and are contrary to the will of God concerning you. God’s word said
every root He has not planted concerning you shall be uprooted. So follow me as
we do uproot them now with the power of the Name and the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Right here now, they will lose their holds upon your life now as I decree the
permanent terminations of their powers, dominions, influence’s, and ties with
you now in Jesus Mighty AND Powerful Name we Pray Amen.
OVERTAKE: To go past somebody or something ahead of you because you are moving/going
faster than they are. And from the passive of it, your moving ahead of them
unexpectedly starts to happen/manifest to affect them negatively. This was true
when the Enemy of JESUS CHRIST took hold of Him like the undertakers, wiped
Him, beat Him and Nailed Him to the cross and used the spear and strike Him to
ensure the mission was completed, and further use stones to cover His tomb
& stationed guards at the tomb. You can imagine the level of their hatred
and conspiracy. But something (overtaking) happened unexpectedly; for the
scripture said GOD’S ANGEL Descended from Heaven and rolled away the stones and
set His foot upon it so that it shall not roll back again. They soldiers
standing guards were dead and all the powers of the undertakers were broken and
Jesus rose up from the grave overcome death and the powers of His Enemies were conquered.
Now the word of God said in the book of
Mark 16:17-18 “ And these signs will fellow those who believe: In my name
(JESUS CHRIST) they will cast out demons; they will speak in tongues; they will
take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt
them; they will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
It is by the power of
that name of this same Jesus Christ I say to you; today from this moment, the
undertakers and all that is their strengths and bondage you shall experience no
more in Jesus NAME Amen.
TEXT: JOHN 11:44 (And he who had died came out bound hand
and foot with grave clothes, and his face was wrapped with cloth. Jesus Said to
them, “loose him and let him go”)
In this text , 3 parts of a man’s body was bond by the
strong man of the house which are his Hands, feet, & Face.
HAND DELIVERANCE: One of the most important part of the human body, you
eat, drink, work, give helping hand, and fight back with your hands etc. This means
that as long as a man’s hand is band, chained or tied, he has becomes
incapacitated. A man’s hand can be tied financially, causing joblessness, sickness,
poverty, setbacks etc. Judges 15:13-15(so they spoke to him saying, No ,but we
will tie you securely and deliver you into their hand; but we will surely not
kill you, and they bond him with two new ropes and brought him up from the
rock) that was the conspired forces speaking to Samson and taking him out of
the Rock his pleasure place to deliver him to their masters who will in turn
kill him. I don’t know who is it that has been in this kind of assignment
working against you. But favor has turned against them today, so in Jesus Name
I decree; thou angels of the Living God on assignment for the Church today on
earth in this new month, go forth and deliver whoever under the reading and hearing
of this ministration which the enemies has been on assignment in their lives,
Now In Act 12:7,(Peter’s chains fell off his hands and he
was set free). Child of God you are free in Jesus Name Amen.
Prayer:- Every household wickedness that have tied my hand
or my spouse, My Children’s hands or the hand of my beloved ones from progressing spiritually or financially or
maritally, your time is up; so die now in Jesus Name Amen.
man’s feet is his power to move, run, step forward and stand for defense, spiritually or physically. John 5:5-9 The
scripture tell us about this in the verse: (this was in the sheep gate by the
pool of Bethesda the man who was lame and had this infirmities for thirty eight
years. When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew he already has been in that
condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?” The sick
man answered Him, “Sir I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is
stirred up; but while I am coming, another step before me.” Jesus said to him,
“Rise, take up your bed and walk.” Jesus
saw him and knew he has been Crippled in that condition for so long and decided
to heal him. When a man’s feet are tied, he is stopped or limited of his
movement upward causing stagnation and setbacks in life. Whether it is already
in your life spiritually, financially, in your marriage, Academic, in child
bearing or whatever area, I order the unlock of every chained feet’s NO MATTER
JESUS, in Jesus Mighty Name WE Command thou chains be broken, terminate, scatter
and be destroyed Amen. Please read also Act 3:1-9. You are Free indeed.
face of a man or a woman is the first place of contact. When that beautiful
face God gave you from your creation is covered by the Enemies veils, whether
through spiritual means or whatever means, your face can’t be seen but the
veils. This situation becomes so intense especially for those seeking favors in
business, politics or marriage. The enemy wears you a negative face to stop
your progress and your good pleasure, so instead of others treating you well;
they will act as if they never knew you existed in the first place before or as
if you are not qualified or competent for their offer or favor & as if you
are an enemy they can’t trust. They can be willing to exploit you but not
willing to make you. They are Eager to dis-virgin you or exploit you with sex
but not willing to marry you. They are ready to cheat, or steal from you but
not to help you grow. They will use you and dump you and behave as if they
never knew that’s what they’re doing. This is because when they will intend to
favor you the evil spirit behind the veils arise to contend it and before you
realized it, they’ve already changed their mind & looking for flimsy
excuses. Often you stay committed to a relationship, committed and sacrificed
all you can which primarily should earn you honor, but before you know it, the
glory and honor shifts out of your hands to another person’s hand, or it be cut
short, living you in the middle of nowhere. You are qualified and deserved the
promotion in the work place but all you end up hearing is wait, or try again
later. Face (Veil) covering situation is never God’s agenda or plan for you His
Isaiah 25:7-8 (And He (God) will destroy on this mountain
the surface of the covering cast over all people, and the veils that is spread
over all Nations. He will swallow up death forever, And the Lord God will wipe
away tears from all faces; The Rebuke of His people He will take away from all
the earth; For the Lord has spoken). And
by the reason of this God spoken words; oh thou veils you have overstayed your
welcome, so pack now and flee into the bottomless pit or be terminated in JESUS
Gen 13:14-15. When a man’s face is covered you can not see
far, you can’t see opportunity, you can’t see vision, Qoute: >Our face represents our image which
is so important to who we shall become tomorrow. I decree that whatever that covers your face be NOW destroyed
in Jesus Mighty Name we pray Amen.
Summary: it is the will of God that His
children be free from captivity, and as such as tends to put us in captivity
has automatically becomes captives in Jesus Name Amen.
for God’s word said “I
will bless those who blessed thee and curse those who cursed thee.” before I
go, I encourage you to make time and be in mist of gathering of people of God,
for more studies, prayer and counseling and should you have any reason to contact me, use: aguma.prince@facebook.com finally, I encourage you to buy my gospel Music CD titled
Mbana Jehovah (Thankyou Jehovah). buy and give to your well-wishers, encourage
others to buy also. for every of my Cd purchased, you just sow directly to a
fertile ground since the good percentage of each of My CD’s Sold goes into the Cause
ONE CHRIST ONE WORLD Aimed at re-building His Churches destroyed by violent men
and anti-Christ activities all over the world starting from the restive Nigeria
in West Africa were extremist has destroyed almost all the Churches and killing
a lot of Believers using Bombs, Guns, and Explosives on them during worship
hours. The CD’s shall be on sale as released to the American Music Company
Gospelreggae.com a Division of Lion of Zion Entertainment Inc USA, And will soon
be available via physical and Digital Download on itunes, Amazon, and all the Music
store worldwide, Thanks.
I am your Brother in the Lord and Gospel Music
Artist Prince Evans

Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Boko Haram: US Congress Invites Obama, Oritsejafor

“Boko-Haram” Terror: The Chilling Killing Of 510 Igbo Christians Amounts To Systematic Ethnic Cleansing & Crimes Against Humanity | Sahara Reporters

Boko Haram attacks churches in Nigeria - The Long War Journal

Sunday Boko Haram attack: Red cross releases victim statistics *50 dead, 130 injured, 3 churches bombed

Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Obama to urge UN to confront roots of Muslim rage - Yahoo! News

Sunday, 23 September 2012
Prince Evans | NG | Christian/Gospel | Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos | ReverbNation

Podcast and blog feature: Dave Hill's Very Own Incredible ReverbNation Contest

Nonprofits on LinkedIn | LinkedIn

Saturday, 22 September 2012
Judge denies request to stop anti-Muslim film clip - Yahoo! News

Will Mitt Romney Finally Get the Campaign Reset He’s Been Looking For? - ABC News

Prince Evans

Dokubo, Tompolo, NNPC Officials And Fake Boko Haram Middlemen Must Be Prosecuted | Sahara Reporters

In Zaria, Nigerian Shiites Protest Anti-Prophet Mohammed Movie | Sahara Reporters

Sahara Reporters • Reality Catching Up With Northern Nigeria, Says Bishop Kukah By SaharaReporters, New York

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Friday, 21 September 2012
Claim God’s Promise of Divine Multiplication

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